Tuesday, October 16, 2007


You will stay in my memory forever.

You are a great storyteller, such a knowledgeable man.
Althought the time for us being together not long.. but it means something to me.
You did stay in my heart once. You made me lost my character to follow your beat.

Dont ever call stupid again :( Do you know it's hurt me?
Most of time, we cant talk nicely in msn.
When we meet, you put some test on me. I always think so hard, to make sure what you wanna ask or know? What is my best answer ? Will my answer suit your taste? Hahahaha....
Do you know, actually i were so tension. I looked like a crown in front of you. No wonder, you said i'm a stupid.

Everytime , you said you blocked me or not meet, i were so sad.

Will we forever like these? I dunno.
I keep telling myself , we are only friend, nothing more than a normal friend.
I try to be not too emotional with what you said.
Be open, be less sensitive and accept.....

Actually, nothing much i can do. I'm tire. So, stay un-move is the wise...

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